I’m now booking photoshoots for January & February 2025. Let’s chat about working together!

How often you need to refresh your photos

26th May 2023

As the seasons change, so should your imagery. It’s always a good idea to refresh your photos every once in a while and I’ve been loving noticing the little things that slowly change with the seasons, including photography for all of the wonderful businesses I work with.

Later sunsets, spells of sunshine and seasonal photos that all adapt at this time of year as we head into Summer, my favourite season. Do you have your Summer content and photos all lined up?

I’m jumping on here to chat through how often you need to refresh your business photography, and how to know when it’s time to get a photoshoot in the diary (look out for some key dates to plan for too!)




Have you recently found yourself looking at the photos on your website realising they don’t really show what you do anymore, or the products you now sell? 

Business photography is just as important as a logo or packaging when it comes to branding a product or service. Truth is, if your product has changed, restaurant has moved around, team has shifted or branding has had an update, then your photos need to be updated along with the rest!

The first point of call for many businesses tends to be the website and if the website has out of date visuals, it can become confusing for customers to understand what you now offer. Getting fresh imagery every once in a while will help towards telling your business story effectively, and help with keeping your social media up to date to show the journey.



The professional photos taken on your shoot will last a couple of months and it’s important to think about keeping your images fresh each season and relatable to different months and celebrations that come their way. The key is to plan well and mix your photos from shoots up to make the most out of them! 

TIP: Scheduling these pictures for social media posts to use throughout the year rather than using them all at once will make any investment more worthwhile. Photos can be used over multiple platforms for marketing – from your website, leaflets, social media, banners, to packaging!

I recommend you refresh your imagery every 2-3 months and book in around 4 Lifestyle shoots a year to show your business in the best light possible! 




Here’s a couple of key events to think about when booking in your shoot with me too! These probably work best to help you plan for your product shoots, but can also be great for lifestyle photoshoots together.


JAN – New Year

FEB – Valentine’s Day, Shrove Tuesday

MARCH – Mother’s Day, St Patricks Day

APRIL – Easter, Good Friday

MAY – Start of Spring, Bank Holidays

JUNE – Father’s Day, Longest Day

JULY – Start of Summer holidays

OCT – Halloween

NOV – Guy Fawkes Day, World Kindness Day

DEC – Christmas


TIP: Book your photoshoot 5-6 weeks in advance of any of the events above to be able to have plenty of time to effectively use your photos for marketing and promotion – and find a date in the diary that fits!


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